Tributary Games

King of the Castle is a socially-driven narrative-based game which puts the fate of a kingdom in the hands of a streamer’s viewers. With a somewhat different approach to traditional gaming, Tributary Games summoned me to their throne to help communicate the vast possibilities of this rule ‘em up adventure.

Release Date Trailer

With a wealth of stunning key art, backgrounds, and characters to hand, I was tasked with not only explaining the premise of the game and its mechanics - but also the challenge of telling a story between four friends and their plot to overthrow the throne.

Packed to the brim with hand-rigged characters, expression driven idle animations, easter eggs, and various subtle additions, this trailer was an absolute joy to work on.

Steam Store Page GIFs

To further aid the release of the game, I exported a lot of the individual trailers created for the game’s trailer for use within the Steam Store page’s description. This allowed the visuals to a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of communication and explanation around the game, all whilst making the page stand out a lot more than its competition.

Coronation Key Art Animation

As an extra piece of eye candy to help aid the upcoming release, additional key art was supplied that needed ‘bringing to life’. The challenge within this short animation was to isolate the individual components that made up each character, and then rig up the body parts to create natural movements that built up the scene further.


Screenshot the fate of your kingdom…

Upon the release of King of the Castle, additional social content was needed to keep the game at the forefront of its audience. This saw the creation of various static designs, along with quirky engagement pieces that got people talking.

This short piece was a simple ‘fate decider’ where viewers could screenshot the potentially gruesome future that awaits them upon taking the throne.

Roll those credits!

Many thanks to Tributary Games for the Special Thanks shoutout in King of the Castle!


Netspeak Games


Cherrypick Games